These were easy and delish- absolutely delish. It made six Chimichangas, which was perfect because there was one for each person and some for seconds. All eaten very quickly.
Remember that though the steps might look hard, they are super easy. For example, you can do something while you boil the chicken.
My son and daughter who are not fond of spicy food, ate this up, esp my son. My daughter was so proud she helped stir some of the ingredients. It was a beautiful way to have a great sit down family meal. A tradition I hope to keep.
Makes 6 Chimichangas
2 Chicken Breasts (Yes, free range! hormone free!)
1 Tsp Curry
1 Tsp Powdered Ginger
First Steps:
1. Boil water
2. Then add the dry ingredients and stir
3. Take the chicken breasts, and cut them up into bite sizes and put in the boiling water. I boiled them for a long time, about 30 minutes to make the meat very soft. I did this the night before while I was making that night's dinner.
4. Remove and cool
The rest I did the next day-
-The chicken from above, shredded with your fingers (super easy and kids can help with this)
- 2/3 Salsa
- 1 Tsp of Whole Cumin
- 1 Tsp of Curry Powder
- 1 Tsp of Powder Ginger
- 1 1/2 Cup Shredded Cheese
- 1/2 a chopped onion
- 2Tbsp Melted Butter
- 6 Whole Wheat Tortillas
- Brown Rice, cooked, as a side
- White Corn, cooked, as a side
1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees
2. In a bowl, add the salsa, cumin, ginger, curry, and chopped onion
3. Have you or your kiddo stir it
4. Add the shredded chicken and stir
5. Add 1 Cup shredded cheese and stir
6. Get a baking sheet out, cover with tin foil, and spray with Pam
7. Lay out your 6 whole wheat tortillas and fill evenly with the chicken filling
8. Wrap them up like burritos
9. Use a brush and brush the butter on top of the Chimichanga
10. Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top of each one
11. Put in the oven and bake for 25 minutes
12. Cook your brown rice and corn now
13. Take the Chimichangas out and let cool a little bit
14. Serve everything, the Chimichanga, brown rice and corn and enjoy!
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