Saturday, August 8, 2015

DIY: Make Any Patch Iron On (& How To Properly Iron On Patches)

 So, I received patches for my Girl Scout Troop 5823 for Thank You Day 2015. 
LOVE the program and the patch!
(Look it up).
I went to iron the patch on the "fun" (meaning her 1st one got full, so I had to buy another) tunic for my daughter, and lo and behold, I could not!

There was no iron on capacity on the back.
I therefore needed to come up with a way to iron it on before handing it out to parents or give them the know how to do it themselves.

Also, this is for any patch, not just for scouts!

You can use this for any patch, those that don't initially have iron on capacity or those patches that don't have the best iron on capacity (some do, but is so thin it does not work).

I will also show on this post how to iron a patch on so it stays! 
If you are a scout leader or scout parent, you know how valuable that information can be!

So here are the steps:
(less than 10-15 minutes and much easier than it looks, wanted to be detailed so you don't miss a step)

Step 1: 
Get all your materials together

 Step 2: 
Using a glue gun, slowly and evenly put hot glue on the entire back of the patch (not the border stitching).
* It is very important to do this quickly as the hot glue does dry quickly

Step 3:
Have your scout learn how to do it as well. 
Be there to guide them.

Step 4: 
If you look closely you can see the difference in the patches. 
Top one has no hot glue and you would have to sew on.
The middle one is the DIY one.
The bottom is the patch itself. 

Step 5: 
After it dries, choose your location to put the patch.

Step 6: 
After putting the patch to the side, iron the back for 45 seconds and then the front for 45 seconds before putting the patch back in the spot you chose. 

Step 7: 
Very carefully place your patch in it's spot. 
The glue will adhesive very quickly, so be careful as the spot will be hot.

Step 8: 
Put a white or light coloured cloth over the patch and put the iron on top. 
Let sit for a 30 seconds while on stand by. 
Then iron and follow the corners to make sure to get all parts of the patch.

Step 9: 
Flip the uniform over.
Put the wash cloth underneath.
Put the iron on for 15-30 seconds and be on standby.
Iron the entire patch and follow the corners. 
Flip again.

Step 10: 
After you flip it again, iron the entire patch quickly without the washcloth. 
Then follow the corners and press to get all the corners ironed on.
Let sit and dry for a few minutes.

In less than 10 minutes:
a) you have made a non iron patch into an iron patch
b) you saved money
c) You have ironed on your patch

Also, to be 100% that it stays on, and I say this to all my parents, iron them and sew them on.
It can be a pain and take a lot of time but it is absolutely worth it. 
These are keepsakes they will treasure forever. 

What handy thing do you do when putting patches on?
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