Friday, February 8, 2019

Help Send Marika to the New York Times Photojournalism Program

I happen to know and am friends with, AJ from our community in Takoma Park, Maryland. Furthermore, her daughter happens to be in another friend's girl scout troop. So I know her from my community, both scouting and the town. She is an awesome mum who is always working hard for her family, which (obviously) includes her daughter Marika. And she is a single mum who has been through a lot and is fabulous.  I am actually reading her play right now that she is putting into production. I used to do theatre and that's what my degree is in. And I have reviewed books. So it's definitely not only my forte but also my honour to do that for a friend. She is an awesome mama just wanting to give her daughter all she can. 

Her daughter Marika, took those pictures above (and the ones pictured below) for whom we write and ask that you help support to send her to a dream (an opportunity of a lifetime) to none other than The New York Times! 

Remember back at a time when someone helped you to achieve those dreams you had! Consider giving back and help her go to this amazing Photojournalism Summer Study Program! 

From AJ Campbell herself (the mother of Marika): 

My daughter has been offered a place at the School of New York Times summer program to study photojournalism. 

She has been awarded a $3000 scholarship.  Her father has decided not to pay for the program leaving all the costs to me.  

The deadline is  2/15 or she forfeits her place.  

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Just when I thought I found a way to make it work, my car failed to start yesterday.  As I sat there waiting for the tow truck, realizing it would be a large repair bill, I knew that there was no way I could pull a rabbit out of my hat.  The was no way that I could pay for the repairs and both her Dad's and my portion of the tuition bill in 9 days.

About Marika

She is an A student despite working with the struggle of having a learning disability. 

+274 Student Service Learning hours (volunteer hours)
+ CIT last summer
+Earned Silver and Bronze Girl Scout Awards
+Volunteer at Takoma City TV station
+Studies ASL at Galludet
+Summer Swim Team 

tuition  $5,150.00
materials  $295.00
$5,445.00  Total Cost of attendance
$3,000.00   scholarship
$2,445.00 cost after scholarship

deposit due by 2/15 
balance after deposit

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From Jana Asher, a community friend: 

"I know my do-gooderness can get a bit tiresome, but there is a local girl (Marika) that was accepted into the Summer Program for Photojournalism at the New York Times -- quite an accomplishment for a 9th grader -- and has received a $3,000 scholarship to boot.  This particular young lady is actually hearing challenged and has learning disabilities, but has managed to maintain an A average at school in spite of these obstacles.  Well, her single-mother mom needs to come up with $2,445 for her to be able to do the program, and her car just went kaput.  Her friends encouraged her to set up a gofundme site for her daughter to try to raise the money.  She needs $1,500 by 2/15, $2,445 overall -- and has $1,005 so far.  If you can help her, I'd be very appreciative.  I know this young lady because she was a member of my Girl Scout troop and community, and I know her mom through Girl Scouts.  The mom has had it rough - survived stomach cancer a few years back, which pretty much killed her financially.  She took extra jobs walking dogs to pay for a Bat-Mitzvah for her daughter a year or two ago.  But this one isn't something she can make happen on her own. You can donate anonymously-please consider!" ~ Jana Asher 

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