Foster the People

Foster the People is about sharing the story (and stories) bringing more awareness to not only the brokenness but the beauty that is within the foster care system and also without it. Foster children, refugees, ward of the court, the lost and forgotten-- this is for you.

 This is your story. This is my story. This is our story!  

For Foster Parents:
10 Things the Foster Care System Needs to Do Now!
What is a Foster Child?
{First} 10 Important Pieces of Advice for Foster Parents
10 More Things to Know Before You Become a Foster Parent... From a Former Foster Youth

My Story:
Foster Care Saved My Life... & Set Me Up For Failure
You Can Help Me Find My Siblings for The Holidays This Year
Meeting My Biological Grandfather and Cousins For the First Time Ever!!!
Why I Want To Find My Birth Siblings

Writing the Book:
One of My Biggest & More Important New Year's Resolutions

Foster the People:
Foster the People SOS Series: The Inspiration
~*~ Foster the People: Success Out of Survival Series ~*~ Be Apart of It- Sign Up!

Resources for Foster Youth/Wards/Refugees:
15+ Simple Ways to Help You Decide Your College
~~~ Thanks "Giving" Homeschool Lesson ~~~ (Give Smith Renaissance Society Scholarships)

Courage to Soar to Olypmics Gold
Walk to Beautiful: How a Homeless Kid Found Love and His Way

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All materials written or shared from here are copyrighted and protected underneath the USA copyright & patent laws. No reproduction or use of any writings/ media in this blog or it's social media pages without the sole permission by me!

Also, There are posts that are sponsored by companies/business' in which I review (and sometimes) giveaway products/books/services. Each relevant post will have the disclaimer.