Wednesday, November 20, 2019

(Cub) Scout Advancement Backpacks DIY

There are always good ideas from many Scout leaders that you see and go "wow, that has me inspired". Today's post is by a Cub Scout Leader, Kaitlyn Laubaugh, that clearly has a love of scouting and wants her scouts to get the MOST out of it!

This is such a great idea by Leader Kaitlyn Laubaugh from Cub Scout Pack 2199 (which has both boys & girls) in Joint Base McGuire Dix Lakehurst from the Garden State Council in the Scouts BSA program within Boy Scouts of America.

Kaitlyn Laubaugh is the Bear den leader (good luck with the whittling chip this year, haha) and the secretary for her pack. And she did this for her whole pack? That is incredible. Kaitlyn, you are more than welcome to join our pack anytime. Haha.

And before you think she sat and did it the way some of us would have done it, you know, last minute, that is not the case. She spread out at least 9 hours of time to make this over a time period of three weeks. She said she has a relatively small pack of 42 so factor that into your time frame.


(while there are links here, they were actually used by the leader and are not affiliate links)

- Cricut machine
- Basic art supplies (glue, hot glue gun, scissors, pens, pencils, markers, printer, paper, etc)
- Paper bags from Amazon:
- Astrobright paper from Amazon:
- Suede Leather Lace:
- Letter Beads (800 count):
- Pony Beads (1100 count):

Directions/How To: 

I started with design space on the Cricut app and just put a square up on the screen. I wanted more rounded edges and a rectangle look. So I used a circle shape to slice in rounded edges.

I measured the opening to my bags as about 5 inches so I made the large flap about 4.5 by 5 inches as well as the pocket of the bag.

Then I made the straps. The straps are about 1 inch wide and 8 inches long.

Then I made the handles. The handle is 1 inch wide by 4 inches long.

I then began to assemble the bags.

I glued the pocket on leaving the top part open so we could slide congrats cards with a list of what they earned into it.

Then I glued the shoulder straps about an inch into the bag and on the outside of the bag.

Then folded the handle so that it looked similar to a backpack handle and glued it to the bag.

I made a crease about an inch in on the top flap and glued that to the inside of the bag.

About 3 inches down I cut a slit into the bag so when you fold the flap over it would be held down.

I wanted to add something to the slit so it was more sturdy so I cut the same rectangle shape 1 inch by .75 inches.

Inside the bags, we put all advancements and patches our Scouts have earned and the pinewood derby car kit.

I also made keychains out of beads and the colour of the Den they are currently in. I felt it was a nice personalized gift for the scouts to hold onto.

On the congrats card, it lists all advancements earned and a little note on the bottom reading

“Continue to Do Your Best on the Path to your ______ Badge”

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