~~ Giveaway at the bottom of the post!! Enter! ~~
This book, if you are open to it, can change you and your life.
Why? It is modern, it is well written, it is real and it challenges the status quo in all the best ways. There are many things this book is and isn't. The title of the book in my opinion, is good but should say relationship, not marriage because it can be broadly applied. Don't stop. Keep reading...
~ Is it possible to have an argument free marriage?
~ Can you have an argue less marriage?
~ Is it possible to take a lessons from a book and apply them to a marriage that is either ridden by argument or has had toxicity of some sort in it?
~ What other life lessons can be come through for yourself?
Also, in the book, she mentions when having her in laws staying and she was fumed about sweets being in the house, she walked off for 6 hours! 6 hours! I am glad she had the time and space to do that but not everyone does. Also, that would be what I call the silent treatment in a way and is part of arguing, sort of, and sometimes, I would argue, harder to deal with.
I do think it is possible to have an argue less marriage and the principles she puts forth are great!
No matter where you are in your marriage, I do think it is possible. Even marriages that are struggling to survive. Not because those two people are two totally different people. And like most marriages, have arguments, but just as Fawn mentions in her book and eludes to, is to something much deeper. "The Original Emotion."
Exploring the book by Fawn Weaver, "The Argument-Free Marriage" tries to give you the tools to do so. I love in her book, she gives you, the reader, the option of which way you choose. Argument-free or argue-less. It really is a personal choice for yourself, and as partnership choice with your significant other. The outcome is only good as you put in. It may never be argument-free but with good conscious effort, it can be argue-less.
Also, 28 days is only the start! I feel that if some of these habits are so deep seeded within a person or couple, it will take more than just 28 days to really curb them.
Who should read this:
~ Anyone in a relationship with anyone--
(I do think that this also a book that can help you more in life than just in marriage).
~ Anyone married
~ Anyone BEFORE they get married
I leave you this beautiful quote by Fawn that rings truth within it.
"Your marriage should never drain you but replenish you after the world has taken so much."
You can buy her book on Amazon and read or like my review here.
You can find out more about her book or get Fawn's Book by going to http://www.argumentfreemarriage.com/
Watch her TED talk here about having an argument-free marriage.
You can check out the "Happy Wives Club" here
* I was given the book to review in exchange for my HONEST opinion of the book. While I received the book for free, my review does not get swayed either way by that.
@Via__Bella Ha! Well, if you'd like to do a giveaway, I'm happy to shipped an autographed copy out to your winner. Just DM me the info :-).
— Fawn Weaver {HWC} (@happywivesclub) September 30, 2015
Is it possible to have "The Argument Free Marriage"? Book Review TED talk ~> http://t.co/IpoG9fiMOw @happywivesclub pic.twitter.com/VCrXSNMvKt
— Via Bella (@Via__Bella) September 26, 2015