Wednesday, August 23, 2017

How to Use the Entire Orange for an Amazing Smoothie & Tea

What if I could tell you that you can use the entire orange, including the peels, to make both a tropical smoothie that you will love & an amazing tea that uplifts you-- BOTH IN LESS THAN 10 MINUTES?!

So anyone that knows me knows that I do not waste. This is inclusive of the whole part of a fruit or a thing that can be used.
When we have a good piece of fruit in front of us like the orange a lot of people forget that they can use the peels as well as the orange itself.

In fact, there is some evidence to show that there are still a lot of the nutrients within the peel of an orange and the same goes with other fruits. They hold the same vitamins and minerals as the fruit itself.

So why do most people not use it when they are eating the orange? I guess the argument could be is that where fruit is growing the peel is protection for the fruit to be able to grow from any and all surrounding environmental elements.

However, in the research, I've seen it actually is not quite what people think it is so I just go on using the orange peel.

And it's not as crazy as some of the using on your face or egg whites in your hair kind of thing.
I today used the orange self for a smoothie and then I took and kept the pills instead of throwing them in the trash for being able to make tea.

The peels of an orange are so strong and flavor but it also holds a lot of vitamin C. Skin Health anyone?

So I'm going to break down to recipes for you that are super easy to do and I did them at the same time. Especially great if you're looking to die or lose weight because then you can make sure that you're having water intake with the herbal tea as you are eating other foods like a smoothie.

So here we go:

In conservation mindedness, I used a fruit salad that was put in a ziplock bag and put in the freezer. A sandwich bag that is frozen actually yielded three or four smoothies.

For the tea, I use the spearmint from my own yard. It grows fast and wild but eels amazing flavors.

I should also say that I put the Smoothie together rather quickly so I don't have the exact measurements but they're approximate. And then I sing about the approximate e is that you can actually choose what you want more of and kind of see the consistency that you want for your smoothie.

For the tea, I just took a couple of spearmint leaves and two portions of the peel that were medium sized and put them into the ingenuity that I have but if you're going to do it on the stove you just throw it into the pot and then you strain it.

Smoothie Ingredients:
- 1 whole oranges, in pieces
- 1.5 -2 cups apple juice
- 1/2 cup frozen mango
- 1 cup frozen fruit salad mix (mine had grapes, watermelon, and cantaloupe)
- 1 tsp-1 tbsp Flaxseeds (depending if you like them or not)
- 1/4 to 1/2 cup yoghurt 

A) I use the magic bullet, throw it all in and blend!
B) Then I enjoy it, as everyone should. I even put it in a nice wine glass and of course, it's non-alcoholic. It's just fun to drink it out of a wine glass to feel cool. 

Tea Ingredients:
- a few Spearmint leaves from the garden
- two medium size orange peels 
- dash of cinnamon
- honey to taste after strained or drained

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