Monday, January 8, 2018

New Year's Resolutions 2018

I have many things that happened in 2017 that I am still surprised we are in 2018. It's like a time warp that keeps getting faster in some ways and slower in others. But if you are like me, it's mostly faster.

I promised a friend that I would do a New Year's Resolutions and what better what than putting them into writing? Otherwise, I could just theoretically have a list and not totally be accountable for it. So here goes nothing! I don't expect myself to do ALL of these but I do expect that I will aim high and get as many done as I can.

1) Do 5 things off my bucket list (here)
2) Drink more water (use an app to keep track if I have to)
3) 1 Plank a day + stretching
4) Get more fit
3) Transform Via Bella into a new blog host and grow the blog more
4) Meditate daily
5) Queen size weather blanket crocheted
6) Have a great homeschool year
7) Work on my book
8) Good routine for waking up and going to bed
9) Try small ways to save the environment like the Diva Cup
10) Apply for big jobs that I don't think I qualify for at least 1x a week
11) Try to stick to my daily to do list
12) Write a list of regrets and address them
13) Figure out my separation
14) Find an in-person spiritual community
15) Practice more positive thinking
16) Get outside everyday
17) Keep space clean
18) Always write my ideas down
19) Family game night weekly
20) Spend time with kids individually at least once a week
21) Do more book reviews this year
22) Go out to do something once a week- ie: hike, community event, etc
23) Play a game each day (ie: tetris or something else)
24) Meet new people
25) Clean out my old wardrobe and update it to what I would wear now
26) Take old clothes and crochet a rug with them
27) Don't get sucked into Girl Scout Cookie Season
28) Call people at least once a week
29) As much as I can, don't be late
30) Stop second guessing myself
31) Take a self defense class
32) Find a way to express myself creatively
33) Validate others in my life more
34) Get a mentor/accountability partner
35) Wear make up more
36) Cut back on sugar a little bit
37) Complete a 90 day challenge
38) Start a YouTube Channel
39) Stop worrying what people think of me.
40) Go for a daily walk
41) Make my own inspiration card deck

I will likely add to this list knowing me. So let's see what happens this year.

What's on your list? Share below!

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