Something that drew me to this book to review is I LOVE shows like JAG. But also that after reviewing this book, I am giving it to my father (in law). He loves a lot of the same shows I do (CSI, NCIS, Law and Order, etc).
There is something that most Americans are a little afraid of and let's be honest. One of the biggest ones is being watched like Big Brother all the time. Anyone else remember that show?
What Is the Book About?
So, this book is about a company AirFlite that was bought from a South African company and brought to the United States where someone found incredible potential in the company. And not the good kind of potential. They have pushed to have drowns all up and down each coast line of America, to supposedly protect America from terrorists... but is that the real reason? This project will land billions of dollars into the originators hands.
First, it has to go through the legal review of the Navy to make sure it is not posse comitatus and waging an 'untold war' on itself and it's people through using military as police within the borders of the US.
The mob knows this will effect how they make there money and order the review and proposal of the contract dead on arrival-- even at the expense of another human's life.
Where is the Romance?
Caroline and PJ. They fell in love in San Diego California before he was moved to Code 13- the most prestige job (in the most unglamourous place) at the Pentagon that will propel his career. Caroline has been missing him and has really rejected an offer from Kriete, who really wants her, because of it. They almost got engaged! She was still dealing with that.
Kriete makes the sneaky upper hand move when she rejects him and moves her to Code 13.... with him where he also moves to the East Coast.
Whoa- a love triangle in the midst of dirty politics and more.
And this..... is just the start!!!
What Do I Think?
I really like this book but it took me reading through some slow starts to really enjoy it. I was tempted to put down due to a slow start several times. But it started getting really good a few chapters in. I am glad I picked this book. I won't totally get to finish it before giving it to my father, but I know he will like it too.
It had me reading before bed at night and I love that each time there is a new chapter, not only are you learning new details in the very complicated story, you are learning new things about JAG. You feel a little bit like an insider-- learning more about how realistic things run.
This is a second book in a series, but you would not know reading it.
It is like a JAG show but definitely heavier. It is more real. It plays on the real fear we may and do have as a country.
What is SUPER cool is that the author actually spent time in JAG for 5 years here in the D.C. area. That alone is super cool and explains why there is more understanding that went into the book beyond what is fantastical and not real. So that I definitely appreciate. It shows the sacrifices some make, IE: PJ, when he sacrificed his life for his opinion on a legal brief.
No matter who you are, there is something in it for everyone.