We have a lot of fun things coming up this fall and winter semester!
We have already done fishing, bird watching, a service project helping the fire victims of the Silver Spring Apartments, some girls have gone to camp, and more. Can't wait for the many more things that we will do!
We have changed a few things to better serve the needs of our girls.
* First off, we have our daisy leader who can't currently meet on the same night that the other leaders can meet so the daisies will be a part of the same troop but meeting a different night. This serves a few different purposes; One of the, being can have the girls focusing better and better able to work on petals and such.
* The meeting location will remain the same for the daisies but due to time constraints of the place, the older girls will not meet there but at a location to be emailed that is closer to everyone in terms of transportation.
* The older girls will be meeting for an hour and half instead of the hour. This way they have more time to earn badges and plan their service projects.
* Clothing Swap- Bring any clothes/shoes/toys/items (for anyone) to the troop meetings to do a swap. Whatever is not taken will be given to the yard sale fundraiser, and then whatever isn't sold will go to donation drive.
* Please let us know any ideas for events or if you would like to help volunteer for things!
* Start getting ready for camp outs with getting your gear together for it!
Here is the first semester calendar for Troop 5823!
Things will be added and updated here so please do check back!!
Daisy (Kinder and 1st grade) Troop Meetings: 630pm
(Click on the dates, they will take you to the Facebook RSVP for that specific event)
(If you are not in the group, you will not be able to see it.)
7th September
21 September
5 October
19 October
2 November
16 November
30 November
14 December
Brownies/Juniors/Cadettes/Seniors/Ambassador Meetings: 630pm
(2nd grade to 12th grade)
(Click on the dates, they will take you to the Facebook RSVP for that specific event)
(If you are not in the group, you will not be able to see it.)
6th September
20 September
4 October
18 October
1 November
15 November
29 November
13 December
Whole Troop Events
(Click on the dates, they will take you to the Facebook RSVP for that specific event)
(If you are not in the group, you will not be able to see it.)
Nationals Game: 11 September 16, 1pm
Fall Bridging: 18 September 16, 6pm POSTPONED
Nationals Game #2: 27 September 16, 7pm
Health Museum Tour and Activity: 9 October at 1pm
Fall Camp Out 21-23 October
Elections Connections Sleepover 8-9 November
Fall Sleepover- 18-19 November, 6pm-10am
Thanksgiving Parade: 19 November 930am-1130am.
Holiday Show/Ice Skating: 17 December at Fort Dupont
Whole Troop Service Projects
(Click on the dates, they will take you to the Facebook RSVP for that specific event)
(If you are not in the group, you will not be able to see it.)
Food Drive: 5 to 12 November
Clothing Drive: Year Round (Bring toys, clothes. purses to the troop meeting)
My Free Little Library: We will build a free little library in the neighbourhood
Whole Troop Fundraisers
(Click on the dates, they will take you to the Facebook RSVP for that specific event)
(If you are not in the group, you will not be able to see it.)
Fall Product: September-October, More Info to Come
Cookie Season: December to March, More Info to Come
Ideas: Car wash? Yard Sale?
Leaders Meeting
(Click on the dates, they will take you to the Facebook RSVP for that specific event)
(If you are not in the group, you will not be able to see it.)
11 September
2 October
6 November
10 December
Please let me know if you have any questions!!
Yours in Scouting,
Your leader!
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