Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Let’s Go Geography

Let’s Go Geography is something we get to review in this house this fall! I am excited for this to be able to give a new twist on learning about history through Let's Go Geography . My kids are used to the sit down and learn. Which is great and well, but when given the opportunity, trying something new is always a good idea. 

Something that my kids liked was being able to move forward.

I was hoping this would be more online than just a download- but I like paper copies as well. Be sure to have a 3 ring binder to put these into once you print them or once you transcribe or do from scratch off of the pdf.

One thing I LOVE about this program is that it's not the traditional countries that they learn about in most school settings or in most books that are meant for 1st graders, which is who I am having learn this. This first year is meant for children in K-4th grade. I think that it definitely is a great introduction to each of the places that the kids learn about.

Features of Let's Go Geography

* It is Broken Down Already in Yearly Format, based on Trimesters.
This means that the planning is already done for you which is such a huge help. 

* Each Lesson is independently kept so you can download when you need it or all at once.

* You can move the countries around based on what you want. 

* Check Lists 

* The give the call number for any books you may have to check out from the library

* Video links to things are included

* If you are in a co op for homeschooling families, you can use this for your entire classroom easily

This is year 1 of what will be a 3-year curriculum, that will cover most of the countries of the world.  Each year covers two regions of the US plus 26 or so countries.  Obviously, since there are 190-some countries in the world, this is not going to get to them all.  To look just at South America, you cover 9 of the 13 countries, three each year.

* Not a lot of supplies are needed to do these lessons

* They cover it in a simple way that they learn a lot but it doesn't overwhelm them.

* This is a super full and well rounded program

* Can be used for multiple grade levels at the same time

* Can be easily modified to help challenge students if you wanted that

What the Three Year Plan Looks Like

Here is what every lesson has

Table of Contents Are You Ready?.............................................................5
Chapter 1: MAP IT!........................................................8
Chapter 2: THE FLAG.................................................10
Chapter 3: THE MUSIC...............................................13
Chapter 4: LET'S EXPLORE.......................................14
Chapter 5: CREATE!....................................................22
Chapter 6: PRINTABLES.............................................26

Social Media Links: 

Let’s Go Geography {Reviews}

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