Monday, May 14, 2018

Kids Email

A one-year subscription to Kids Email Safe Email for Kids by Kids Email is what we are going to review today.

My kids have loved using this and I actually appreciate it as a parent. There is a lot of flexibility that you have as a parent to mess with the settings per each kids' accounts. Which I am very appreciative of since I have a younger elementary student all the way to middle school. Their needs are totally different.

My kids can email their grandparents, friends, even their scout friends with the assurance that their information is not only safe but that it is a program geared towards kids to be able to get used to emails in a fun safe environment.

One of the biggest things I want to teach my kids is internet safety, and with email, there are so many spammy messages that get through on normal email and with this, there is several layers of protection for the kids.

I am all for real-life learning as well as stepping stones. This is a great stepping stone for kids. Plus, I wish my email allowed me to draw in it! That would be so cool!

Let's get on with the features, daughter's review and a special surprise for my readers!


For Kids:
* Ability to draw in the email
* Creative options
* Can take pictures in the email instead of just attaching them
* Read it feature-- so kids can be read their email back to them
* As kids get older they can switch their kidsmail to kmail

For Parents:
* Email Monitoring
* Time Restrictions
* Mail Queue (allowing parents to see before emails are sent)
* Block Senders (if someone is not supposed to email your child or harassing them, you can block them)
* Manage Contacts
* Spam Filters
* No ads
* Organised Folders (so your child can organise their mail)
* Permission or non-permission of links within emails
* Login monitoring

Via's Review:

Hello, it's Via and today I will be reviewing Kids Email. Kids Email is you guessed it, email for kids. This program is made So that Kids can send messages and send pictures to relatives or friends. Also, it has a parent sign in so that the parent knows what the kids are sending. This program allows kids to do email safely and parents have access to what the children are saying. But let 's get to my opinion add more about this program.

What I liked this is the subject of the first reviewing paragraph So let's get into it. what I like is that you can draw and attach it easily to the message and this is important because it in the real email it's much harder and more confusing so that's definitely a plus. another thing I liked is that you can just add any image you want that you have in your photograph Gallery battery just by pressing it to add photo button and I really like That you can send it to anybody and have contacts like the real email but it's much more simple.

I would recommend this to kids that are 5-10 otherwise if they are under then they would need adult assistance. This would be good for chatting, announcing, or something kids and teachers could use to communicate. I think that's all for now so until next time... GGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDBBBYYYEEE!


We are releasing a new app within the next 2 months! If you want to give your readers the promo code: Awesome18 it will give your followers 90 days totally free!

Social Media Links: 

Safe Email for Kids {Kids Email Reviews}

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