Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Figure Skating Summer Camp 2019 at Fort Dupont Ice Rink

Fort Dupont Ice Rink as you may remember me writing about here was under the gun for losing it's promised programme funding and funding for the second sheet of ice, which is really important given the growth of the rink-- which is a huge testament to its programming. They succeeded in keeping the funding which wasn't the easiest to do, so thank you to all that helped in the process!

Now, you can support them again and send your kids to an awesome summer camp for a weekend.

My kids LOVE and I mean LOVE this rink.
Like, L.O.V.E. love this rink!

Mind you, they can't agree on what they want for dinner but all three of them are super stoked to be doing lessons here!

So what about this camp?!

Dates:  8th-12th July 2019
Times: 8:30am-5pm
On Ice Time: Jumps, spins, artistry, performance, technique and SO much more!
Off Ice Time: Learning about movement and dance, conditioning for better strength, flexibility, power and also even learning to set goals and have good goals in terms of nutrition. (ok, maybe I need the last one, where do I sign up?)

Anyways, here is the flyer and below that is the actual application.

If you feel compiled, you can donate here to help Fort Dupont get more kids on the ice-- as they give financial help to those who need it to be able to experience and learn ice sports. They do this so successfully in building a community for everyone alike. I have a huge amount of respect for them for this!

The Flyer:

The Application:
* Print and fill out
* Fill out online and email in

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