Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Matific Galaxy

We get to review Matific Galaxy, a math gaming application by Matific Galaxy! You can sign up here to be able to play some of these online games, including a free trial.  Which is a fun way to practice some of those awesome math skills, especially when it is summer? Most kids don't get to practice their skills during the summer without an application that can be placed.

I had a little bit of difficulty getting the sign up done. But after that it was smooth.

The introduction video is cute and very kid oriented. This is important because it gives a way for the child to know what the theme is and to know what kind of points they are working towards or the goals.

One I gave it to my son to start using, he did not need my help at all! It was super simple is actually structured in a way that is not only supposed to be self-guided by the child but is actually doing it with ease-- meaning, there have been little to no issues with the programme.

My son is playing it like crazy. I have a feeling I will have a hard time pulling him away from it. I actually had one of those parent moments when I was like "do I REALLY want to get my child off the computer even though they are playing math games?" But honestly, he was having such a good time that I allowed him to be able to play a lot that afternoon on it.

My daughter sat behind him even and enjoyed watching him play and giving him pointers. It was really cute to watch them do it together and I haven't seen anything bring the two of them together in a long time like that.

As a teacher, I was very happy that there was something that was finally getting him to sit down and do some school work. I mean, games.


Here is the screenshot in the parent portal where you can clearly see how great they are at breaking down their strengths and weaknesses in the games and what part of their math skills needs to be improved upon. This is huge because not all games break down their math skills individually like that.

My son says, "well, I wasn't trying very much. I was just like 'spamming' quickly so I can get it done quickly and it was just a game. I wanted to get it done before."

I should note that he did a grade level above his own level. So his skills are superb in the area of math. However, and clearly as you can see, his math could use some improvement-- regardless if he was trying to "speed" through a few parts like he said.

I love that as a parent, you can have your child play on the computer, which I did, or download from the application store in either Apple or Andriod devices including but not limited to phones, tablets, and more. Basically, anything that has application store access can get it. So in theory, you can give your child an old phone without a cell plan and use it for games like this one.

Each student has their own login as does the parent. The password is automatically generated after a username is created.

Also, if you see what looks like play icon buttons on the screenshot, you can actually click it and see that it will take you to the actual lesson and try it for yourself. This is especially important if they say that for some reason they had an issue with it. Then you can try out the same exact program they did and see for yourself if there were any issues. I didn't run into any issues from this program nor did my kids, but I really like that they give the option to the parents to be able to go through the same lesson without it messing with the child's progress.

Kai's Review:

Hi. I'm going to tell why I like Mathific Galaxy. It helps you learn in a fun way, they make games out of math, they use pixels for learning points and what I mean is that you pixels to move on learning points, they start with easy math and then they go harder. Also, it's good quality. Sometimes it's kind of confusing for me, sometimes they don't give me more formal instructions. And it's supposed to have a storyline but it really doesn't. Other than that, I really like it. 

The use and ease of the entire programme is something I can appreciate as both a mother and teacher. I am definitely recommending this to anyone that has children in the K-6 grade range. This is good not only for homeschooling parents but for any parents. You can have your child play this on their phone while waiting for the bus or at the doctor's office and waiting a long time in the waiting room. But even for their summer brush up so that way they don't lose momentum in their learning while not in the brick and mortar school setting.

Social Media Links:

Grow Your Math Skills with Matific Galaxy {Matific Galaxy Reviews}

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