Thursday, March 17, 2016

7 Powerful Ways to a Faster Metabolism

When you are in a rush of the every day life... what do you do in terms of food?

Admit it... pizza, McDs, girl scout cookies in my case.... LOL

You either grab food on the go, buy fast food, snacks on the go or just skip eating all together. None, of which are ideal. But we all knew this. So why do we keep doing it?

When you read the title of the post, you probably assumed it meant, hey, this is 7 powerful ways my metabolism can get faster so I can lose weight. Am I wrong? For some yes, but majority I think I am right on. 

7 powerful ways to a faster metabolism, fast metabolism food rx,hailey pomroy, nutrition, harmony books, book review, health, homeopathic, healthy living, blogging for books

A lot of the fad diets out there say don't eat this, don't eat that, but a lot of them give you more restrictions on what you can eat and some even saying don't eat at all. Sad, right? 

Right now, gluten free diet is a huge deal in the diet world. If we just eliminate carbs from our diet we will lose weight, right? Gluten free is about celiac's disease, which is very real. But most people don't have it. So why are they going gluten free? Well, didn't you know the new study showing that eating carbs increases the chance of lung cancer in non smokers by 2 times? What do I say to that? I am not stopping my carbs because of that. Seriously?! Talk about smoking something.... Just saying...


But really, what is the best diet ever?
 Haylie Pomroy, who writes Fast Metabolism Food Rx, talks about my favourite diet ever!!! The one where you eat everything you want! Of course in moderation and tailored to what your body is telling you! 

She helps you learn about what tests you need to determine what your body needs for health, gives you a road map with recipes, from beginning to end.  

What does it cover?

* 7 ways to feed your body back to health
* Self Discovery zones to help you determine what you body is telling you
* Effective principles to assist you in restoring your health
* Delicious Recipes, Foundational and Power Food Lists designed for targeted repair
* Helpful tips on how to assemble your "Dream Team"
* More! 

Even best yet, when you go to her website, you can find MANY posts and tips for you.

There is even a FREE jump start guide you can get! How cool is that?

E + M = H

E= Eating, Exercise, Environment
M= Metabolism, Metabolic pathways, Me
H= Healthy, Homeostasis, Harmony

She talks about that you can not have E=H or M=H, but both are needed for good health. 

When you have issues with something it should always sound something like:
Q: "I am low in energy!"
A: "You should be eating..."
Q" I have diabetes!"
A: "You should be eating..."

There is usually always a way to show you how to better your health no matter the ailment by eating better and eating the right food. 

Aren't taking drugs the answer though? She talks about the pharmaceutical industry hijacks our health because they study the body so closely and make us as a nation feel as if there is no other solution than to take pills to make our ailments go away. But that is simply not true. Drugs don't cure all and will just give you horrible side effects. Why I don't like going to the doctor if I can avoid it! 

How is something defined as chronic:
1) Doesn't heal by itself
2) Grows worse with time
3) No single cause
4) Complex symptom profile

But how many times when we are diagnosed with something chronic and we try something homeopathic does it go away? Often times, if we try, it will.

She has a self assessment in one of the first chapters. I suggest getting a notebook and having the assessments done in there so you can watch the progression of your change in your body.

She talks about the difference in your body whispering to you, when your body is talking at you and when you are body is screaming at you.

What I also like that is if you have already had some of the test done on you, you can actually look up for yourself what you can do to help it. So, for example, I looked up me having a vitamin D deficiency. It said that my "diet" per say is for the mood one.

Don't think it is just for physical things. Have you ever felt anxious, over worried, angry, depressed, have ADHD? These can help as well. Addressing them in diet will severely reduce or eliminate these symptoms or conditions as well.

She has been known to work with Jennifer Lopez, LL Cool J, Robert Downing Jr and more!

Your body needs Food Rx G.I. Stress if you have:
– Acid reflux or heartburn after eating or going to long without eating
– Frequent colds or other viral infections
– Stomach pains or a nervous stomach
– Painful joints or a diagnosis of arthritis

Your body needs Food Rx Fatigue if you have:
– A lack of concentration or focus issues
– Dry or weak hair
– Sugar or carbohydrate cravings
– Pain that moves around your body

Your body needs Food Rx Hormones if you have:
– Mood swings, quickly changing from elation to irritation to anger
– Forgetfulness
– Night sweats
– Urine leaking when sneezing, coughing or laughing

Your body needs Food Rx Mood if you have:
– Attention problems, or a diagnosis of ADD
– Chronic low levels of pain
– A loss of interest in things that use to excite you
– Numbness and tingling in the hands and feet

Your body needs Food Rx Cholesterol if you have:
– Earlobe creases
– A bone density that is too low or a diagnosis of osteoporosis
– Blood pressure that is too high
– An out of control appetite

Your body needs Food Rx Diabetes if you:
– An appetite that seems insatiable
– Body hair loss, leg hair especially
– Numbness in the hands and feet
– Excessive sugar and carbohydrate cravings

Your body needs Food Rx Autoimmunity if you:
– Brain fog
– Dry eyes and mouth
– Fatigue
– ANA titers and/or rheumatoid factors that are positive

Don't forget to enter the giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*This book was received in exchange for my honest review*

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