Sunday, April 3, 2016

11 Simple People Skills: Get Everything You Want

I am people person by nature. Ask anyone. I know every one of my 65 scouts names by heart and not only their names I know who they are and what they like. I know their allergies even. Not even all teachers can say this. Why? Because I am a people person and they are each important and unique to me. I see them as a family. 

So why would I pick this book, The Art of People, to review? 

The Art of People, 11 Simple People Skills, 11 Simple People Skills that will get you Everything you want, 11 simple people skills: get everything you want, book review, crown publishing, new york bestseller, Dave Kerpen, crown business, Via Bella's Top Reads

Because while I am a people person and a people pleaser, I thought this would be a great book for me to review. There is nothing wrong with honing on the skills you already have to freshen and sharpen them. Let's be real that we in the business of life get taken off the beaten path every single day. We just need a reminder of what we are good at already or what need to work on. This book is real. 

To start, I have taken the quiz online that he has on his website and it, in being honest with myself, has pegged me perfectly. I am....
"Congratulations, you're a People Connector! You're great at connecting with new people and reconnecting with old people. You're also great at connecting others to each other.
At work, you're the person who "knows everybody." Or perhaps you're a budding entrepreneur, leveraging your connections to build a business.
Be careful, sometimes you're so concerned with connecting with people that you may not go as deep in your relationships as others. And you may not take care of yourself enough.
But when it comes to people skills, you connect with others and they connect with you - a lot. Use the #ArtofPeople to continue to improve your stellar people skills. If you already own the #ArtofPeople, pay special attention to chapters 17, 19, 33 and 51. If not, order the book now at"
I think it is funny they mention starting your own business because while I would like to do that, I am just a people person and love to get to know people and hang out with them. That is where I draw my energy from.
This book is sectioned into 53 tiny chapters, a few pages each to give you a sense of what you are able to really digest and practise. There are 11 skills in all that you learn to master reading this.

Here is some of what you will learn: 

*The single most important question you can ever ask to win attention in a meeting, 
* The one simple key to networking that nobody talks about
* How to remain top of mind for thousands of people, everyday
* Why it usually pays to be the one to give the bad news
* How to blow off the right people
* Why, when in doubt, buy him a Bonsai

What are thing 11 things?

1. First, be actually interested in people. 
2. Help connect ideas or people with people
3. Be an active listener
4. Don't guess people's life-- it's not poker
5. Break the ice with someone
6. Passion and persistence
7. Let them do most the talking
8. When helping someone learn something, be the coach not the teacher
9. It's okay to give bad news
10. Write thank you notes
11. Always pay it forward

What I really like this book is that like some other good self help books, he has "Call to Actions" at the end of the chapter. He calls them F.A.S.T. "First Action Step to Take". 

I really like this book and think there is a lot we can learn no matter what stage in being a people person we are! This is practical, not stuck up, and easily readable. In fact he starts it being real about being unhappy walking down the red carpet. How more real can you get? He says when you are thinking about personality Meyers-Briggs don't have nothing- because people skills don't come from that. Not sure I totally agree but I do- does that make sense? Think it can be a map to understand ourselves better a little but not helping us to actually interact with others. That is where this book comes in handy for the lame-to-try communicator to the those that fancy them best-don't-need-help communicators. We all need help with our communication somewhere in our lives and this is a great go to. 

This book gets a 5 out 5 from me! 
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*Book was received for honest review*

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