Friday, February 19, 2016

~~Scouts Learn How to Do Important CPR~~ Will You?

The Boy Scout Motto is: Be Prepared. Are you?

Did you know the majority of people do not know what CPR means, let alone how to do it. Think about this, if you knew how to do CPR to the person on the street, what would that look like? Would you feel comfortable doing it? Would you get in trouble? What is an AED and where is it located? What about an infant or baby?

If you can't answer any of the questions or most of them, you are simply not trained to be doing CPR. However your best advise is to call 911 and have them walk you through how to do it on the phone in the event of an emergency. That is how simple it can be!

Who should learn it?

Scouts Learn CPR, CPR

As a Cub Scout/Boy Scout Leader I knew that my 20 boys needed to earn their First Aid and CPR to make the Webelos scout rank. I had an amazing parent who helped me in making the connection happen with the Takoma Park Volunteer Fire Department. She rocked in making it happen and solidifying the dates. Isn't it awesome to have great scout parents?

Also, as Girl Scout Leader of 45 girls- daisies, brownies, juniors, cadettes, and an ambassador, within the Nation's Capital- I knew my brownies and juniors needed to get their first aid and CPR badge/patch. We live in a place where I can

So why not have them do it together?
I know some people may oppose boy scouts and girl scouts doing things together, but as a leader of both (in which I am a true proud scout mama) in which my numbers add up to about 65, it is crucial in good programming to have some events together. As well, it sets an incredible example for both my boys and my girls that everyone regardless of gender, race, belief, can help save a life!

What does learning CPR look like for girl scouts and boy scouts?
First they came in  and they sat down. They learned about what CPR meant. Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation. They learned about the difference between cardiac (heart) and pulmonary yet how they are closely related in our lives.

The Scouts learn about Chest Compressions!

Scouts Learn CPR, CPR, Chest Compressions

They learn that even if they are much smaller than the person helping, that they can't do anything worse than the condition the person is already in if they are unconscious. The best thing is that they help them, even a little bit. 

They learned about the mechanics of it as well as getting into groups and practicing it!
The scouts learned how to put on hand over the other and how to listen for signs of breathing. The scouts also learned how many compressions to do.

My Scouts learn how to do Infant CPR!

Scouts Learn CPR, Infant CPR, CPR

They learned that infants and babies are not created equal as kids or adults in trying to save them and it is much easier in some ways, especially for a scout to save them. They can be easier to save but they also are much smaller so their risks are much higher. They are smaller so choking or breathing problems can happen much faster. Since a lot of them have smaller siblings, this was perfect for them. I think they were more shocked when they saw how you help a baby if they are choking. They got over that pretty fast!

My Scouts learn about how to use a AED!
Scouts Learn CPR, CPR, AED

What does AED stand for? They learned the difference between AED and AID. AID is not AIDS like a disease. Instead it is AED is automated external defibrillator versus automated internal defibrillator. The AID is something internal so it goes in the heart usually. They were so excited to get to try the AED out that they did paper-rock-scissors to see who would get to use the device.

They learned about how to use the AED and how simple it is. Where to put the pads (on the right upper side and on the lower ribs) and how to deal with situations in which someone may have a medicine patch or even have to much chest hair. Yes, that definitely got chuckles out of nine year old kids.

They learned that the machine will pretty much guide them in CPR/AED if AED is needed. Only two scouts got to actually practice while the other scouts watched as they learned their way through the AED process.

Lots of questions, laughs, jokes, and learning happened.

So again, I ask, why should everyone learn to do CPR? 

Why should every adult learn CPR? 
Simple. If you have children, there is no less of a helpless feeling than your child having breathing problems and you feel you can't help. But you can. You call 911 and have them walk you through it if you don't know. If you do, you have the skills to do it! This includes your friend, spouse, anyone.

Why should kids and scouts learn CPR?
Yes, they are not the size to be able to completely resuscitate an adult. But if you had the choice, would you rather a child resuscitate you or not be saved at all?

Hopefully you answered that you prefer a child or scout to help you than die. We don't kids enough credit in their abilities to act just the way we can. Their size can be limiting, yes, but that is some ways in no different than someone like me who is small trying to revive Shaq, because he is so much bigger than I. And I am a grown woman.

So if you have not already-- go learn CPR and First Aid. You may be able to save a life or have yours saved!

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