Monday, July 11, 2016

Quick Guide to Packing for Summer Day Camp

This is a quick guide to packing for DAY camp. So, no, you won't see regular camping gear like a tent or a sleeping bag. (Isn't that nice?) Day camps have a different advantage than normal camps. And no, they don't have to be indoor summer day camps. In fact, the best ones are outside!

Quick Guide to Packing for Summer Day Camp, Via Bella, Girl Scouts, Summer camp, Lists, packing lists, Boy scouts,

It's the SUMMER! Woot!!!
And the kids are out of school and the first thing you think of is this....

"What camp(s) can I line my kids up for so they aren't bored all summer and driving me up the wall?!"

Well, on the first day of summer, I am prepping and going to be a camp counselor for Girl Scouts Nation's Capital and my kids are going to a day camp here called Camp Tuckerman in Rockville, MD.

It is going to be a blast! We are stoked to go.

But to be honest.... as the leader, I have already gotten sunburned over the weekend (I know, best example of what not to do... I swear, I put sunscreen on!) and am waiting until the day before to pack everything. Because, I too, like you, am a normal parent! LOL.

Before I go into the packing list, let's check off things that aren't packed with them for the day!

* Make sure everything is running smoothly so you don't have issues during the back and forth of dropping kids off.
* You have ONE spot that you put your keys at all times so you don't lose them.
* An extra snack in the car trunk for the way home for the kids
* Extra books for the kids to read on the way back (if yours are like mine)
* A spot, like the front seat, for them to put their bags down and pick up so nothing is left behind
- Don't leave water bottles in the car.

Packing List:
* sunscreen
* bug spray (yes, even for during the day)
* sunglasses
* extra pair of clothes
* bandana (many many uses)
* creeking shoes (if they creek)
* notepad/pencil (if they like to take notes)
* snack
* lunch
* water bottle that can tie/clip/easily be carried (so they don't lose them)
* hat
* poncho (especially if you live in a place with thunderstorms)
* knee high socks (to prevent ticks and poison ivy)
* flashlight (small one, for exploring)
* a book if they get bored
* sit a upon (like a stadium cushion or you can make your own)
* Emergency medicine and medical forms (they will tell you what you need, of course)

My kids and I had a blast at Camp Tuckerman- but this applies to any day camp. I like day camps for my daughter especially because she can be actually quite terrified of bugs. I know, a girl scout is afraid of bugs. It is more common than you think (even amongst the boy scouts).

The fear of having bugs in one's tent is very much alive amongst any scout really, so not having to sleep over can have a great affect for the positive in introducing them to the world of being outdoors. Who knows- maybe they will develop of love of being outside and in nature.

I hope this packing list is helpful for you to pack for your next or current day camp. Make sure that they are ready to go and let them know what they have and for what so they know. Also, make sure they know they are responsible and can handle the experience and what they have in their bags.

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