Friday, October 9, 2015

If I Knew Then What I Know Now............... {Book Review}

You know the saying-- "If I only Knew then What I know Now..."

You always I making the right decision? What if it is the wrong one? What if I regret it? Or you live life on the edge without care in the world. What is the point of not living on the edge- one life to live, right?

You know when you are sitting watching a movie and you are screaming at the T.V. "Why are you doing this? That is obviously not the right answer!" Somehow, maybe, my own theory is that we are often so busy living our lives that we are not giving ourselves respite to review our own movie or T.V. sitcom.

If you knew then what you know now...

~ Would you make changes to your life?
~ What game changing plans would you make to win the game?

In the beginning she says something important... If people choose not to educate, train, or homeschool their kids, where would we be? Exposing them to real life and common sense is a must.

Then, trying to perfect our kids, we try to make sure they don't make the same mistakes we did or do. In my case, I want them to have a better life than I had growing up. Which honestly doesn't take much.

Overall, there are many seeds of wisdom in this book and even if you do not take them there are many great stories in it- from before electricity to last week (figuratively). Some that will make you want to cringe at some experiences, some that will want you yelling at them like it were a tv show and others that will remind you of what you yourself have been told in the past.

Lessons can be:
~ Know your worth-- is taking the job for less a smart move?
~ Play to your strengths
~ Stand up for yourself
~ Don't lie to your mum
~ SO many more!

She claims there are 200 pearls of wisdom in take is that there are as many in there as you are willing to get out.

My issues with the book:
A) There seems to be disconnect on some of the pages- meaning there was cut off, especially on the kindle version.
B) When this author talks about life lessons she learns from Kindergarten, I am either stupid for not remembering that far back, these are memories told down by someone or these stories don't make sense. How can a 4 or 5 year old remember that much detail and take in something more than just "my sister threw a rock and broke my toy."
C) While it is pretty well written and easy to follow in part, I have a feeling I am following many stories that are patched together. This meaning that it makes it difficult in other ways to read and follow along easily. It is like a badly sewn quilt that starts to fall apart, then make sense, then falls a little again, and then picks up.
D) Lay out changes would make it an easier and better read.

A great quote from this book to leave with. "We derive fears that have no real origin."

You can buy the book here on Amazon

Overall, I would "grade" this a 3 out of 5. It was not because of lack of interest in the stories- but something was missing and the way it was written/read was hard at times.

I think it has left an impression to learn lessons and to examine more the lessons that are taught everyday both through my experiences and others around me.

What have you learned? Share with me by commenting here, on the blog Facebook page, or on the twitter page

Also, enter to win an autographed book right here for a great book I reviewed called The Argument Free Marriage!

*This book review was given in exchange for reading of the e book but the opinions are my own*

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