Friday, April 14, 2017

The Mediterranean Love Plan

Even though I am currently separated, I was intrigued to read this because I believe sometimes in the moments we least expect it, any gems of knowledge both in growth and in advise can really take us far. That can be in trying to fix the past relationships, even if you didn't get back together, or to be able to move forward into a new relationship.

The book is nicely laid out. Which makes it easier to read which I can appreciate.

One of my favourite quotes from the introduction is this:

"To have a passionate love life, you need two people who are sensually in love with life and each other".

Such wise words because if you aren't in love with life or yourself, the fantasy stage only lasts so long. You will find that reading this book short ways in, that it is good and chalk full of good advise in a non judgmental sort of way.

The fact that they take lessons from other countries to inspire learning to love in a whole new way, is great.

He lays out the 7 secrets he believes are the key to a passionate marriage:

1) Attunement
2) Playfulness
3) Enjoying Beauty
4) Creativity
5) Health and Longevity
6) Savouring Food
7) Blending Sacred and Sexual

After laying out what the seven secrets he believes are there, he then goes on to talk about his professional and obvious responsibility to let you know that he can not nor can any book fix heavily flawed things that need a counselor. I appreciate that he did that so people have a realistic expectation of the book.

He then uses each chapter to go over, one by one, each of the secrets and how to use them in your own marriage or relationship.

The chapter of attunement, for example, is great! This is because he equates it to traveling in the most beautiful country that millions travel to every year to see it's beauty, grace, and history. Yet, you can be in the thick of the beauty and see none of it because you are distracted by the million other noises. He says we can often do that in relationships as well. Well, isn't that the truth?

His honesty about his adult ADHD is refreshing because I too have this. The funny quote he says which if punniful and funny while describing attunement: "I'm a long way from having reached perfect attuno-matata, but I am upping my skills in focused listening..." Haha. Cute.

Another beautiful thing from this chapter, is the ideas. Like taking baths together in a big bath tub every night to be able to connect and be in a space where they can share from the day and be with each other. What a sacred kind of connected moments to be able to have. Often when sharing our day, we are busy doing 5 million other things while talking. Romantic, peaceful, and connection without the strain of planning a date. Win!

This book is such a gem in giving advise about what you can do to help not only an existing relationship but give a world wide view on it. It gives this wholeness sense of world view on the subject of love. What can we learn from each other.

It also helps in all relationships. Especially being a country of many people and many different talents and cultures, this is a book that can help any connection with any other human being. It is that powerful and it is such an easy read as well.

This book easily gets ☀☀☀☀☀ out of 5. 

Book Description

The Mediterranean Love Plan unveils the “7 Secrets of Passion” from some of the most romantic countries in the world: Italy, France, Spain, Greece and Israel.
Most couples marry in a flurry of passion, but soon find themselves wondering “How do we keep love interesting, fun and romantic? How do we keep the spark growing for decades?”
Steve and Misty Arterburn offer unique, ground-breaking answers to these age-old questions.
Romance is much more than a date night out or a week away. A passionate, long-lasting love requires two people who are sensually in love with life and each other. In this fascinating book, the authors explore research on seven activities that prompt passion, then describe how Mediterranean cultures practice these secrets in everyday life. Steve and Misty also share how these fun-to-apply secrets have taken their own marriage from confused to confident, from discouraged to delighted– and how you can do it too. The Mediterranean Love Plan will help couples become more playful, creative, connected and romantic -- burning with passion that stands the test of time.

* I received this book in exchange for my honest review *
I review for BookLook Bloggers

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