Now, even though the author came and spoke to us at a MOPS group, I do feel like saying that I am going to give an honest and fully honest review.
WorkBook Review:
If you are a person like me and are looking for a book that will help take you to the inner depths of your parenting styles and where you can improve, this is not the workbook for you. That is unless you are Christain and really want to delve deep into faith as well as parenting. I honour that she is strong in her faith and think that is great. However, for me, it was not a bible lesson or bible group style I was looking for but rather something much more.
Book Review:
The book I like much better. She even mentions God and being a single parent in the same chapter. This is HUGE because a lot of Christian books tend to overlook this fact. Like single motherhood is something to be ashamed of or ungodly, which is not the case.
She mentions working at schools where there was overwhelming evidence of abuse to the point that one parent shot another and why parenting books were just as important for teachers as it was for parents. And that is part of her mission.
This book is a fairly easy read which is great considering the density of information it is giving. Which is great. There are some really great reminders for even parents of older kids. Though there hints of shame and guilt that is used and with that using the bible to say that kids should be disciplined even on small things. An example is of the boy whose hair was too long and was threatened to be expelled even though the teacher backed up how good the student was. Then still backed up the school board saying he should have followed that rule regardless. I felt that while I got where she was going with that, it was not effective as she thought in writing it. However, a lot of this advise, if someone reads with an open mind and open heart will actually learn a lot. Especially new parents.
After the first two chapters or so the reading it's a lot easier in terms of some very helpful tips and reminders for new parents and older parents alike. I think it's incredibly important to be reminded. If you are first time parents is actually a very good book to get and then you can come to the points that you feel are important for you to be able to read and also go to for parents that just need a little bit of an extra reminder on some really simple solutions that can have a big impact.
Now, onto the chapter about having ADHD... I will simply state, since I have it myself and am a parent, that this chapter left me a little dissatisfied with how it addresses ADHD and how it portrays it. The reason why I was left a little dissatisfied with this was that it oversimplifies what ADHD is in how it is portrayed and in my opinion, instead of portraying ADHD as something that is a gift for students, it perpetuates social stereotypes of it which tend to be on the negative side. Since kids have many different learning styles regardless of any ADHD or LD (learning disability), I would personally say read this chapter as it does have some useful tips but also read keeping in mind that if you are looking on information for ADHD that you want additional resources as well.
In my opinion this is a really good book for parents of children that are younger and less so for parents who have older children but that's only because some of the steps that she talks about our more geared towards parents of younger children yet I feel like the same principles could definitely be adaptable to all children. Sometimes the simplest of things can make a big difference. And like everything in life, I say keep what may work for you and focus on that instead of what doesn't jive with your family. Overall, most of it I think will resonate with your family on the basics.
I would encourage you to try to win this book for yourself, a friend, family member, for a baby shower, for your free little library-- whatever you want to do! Both the book and the workbook will go together. You don't have to use both of course.
I give this book a 3.5 out of 5 because of the fact that it is geared towards parents of younger children and the fact that what are some things I feel our little outdated and there are elements to the book that are absolutely phenomenal but the workbook is more Christian-based which isn't a big deal except for the fact that I would like a workbook that is less religious based. For some of my readers, this is right up their alley and they will LOVE it. So, go enter to win!
Anyways, enter to win here!
* Winner must respond to the email in a timely fashion and provide name and address of themselves or who they are gifting it to
* The book and workbook will be shipped directly from the author herself
* Winner must respond to the email in a timely fashion and provide name and address of themselves or who they are gifting it to
* The book and workbook will be shipped directly from the author herself
* I received a copy from the author herself in exchange for my honest review *