Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Smart Kidz Radio

Today we are reviewing Smart Kidz Radio by Smart Kidz Media while we chill between homeschool
years and all those fun summer camps. 

* No ads

* No curse words
* Classical music influence
* Pop music influence
* Rock music influence
* Modern
* Serves kids that are not "babies" but not old enough to be able to like or be appropriate targets for pop 
* Uses sayings to help encourage kids to brush their teeth, be nice, do their homework
* Good background music for family
* Audiobook style for the storytelling
* Classical fairytales

Via's Review

Hello, it's Via here again. Today we are reviewing Smart Kidz Radio.
This website is awfully cheesy with the cover photo on the site.
I think it would sound better without the lyrics to the songs.
It would sound better to someone younger because I am older.
I like how the songs are in line with the time! ( Hey that rhymed!)
I really Wanted to see an app instead of this website.
I feel like it would be better converted to that.
I like the way it has facts and information. About the song, That's coming next.
I would suggest this for younger kids.

Kai's Review

Hello, it’s Kai here. Today i’m reviewing Smart Kidz Radio.This website is Mixture of Stories-- Goldilocks. Alice in Wonderland. And Stuff like that. Just can't remember all the other Stories. It has a more realistic sound. and it was kind of fun cuz of it. you just lay back and listen. I can't really explain. but it has something unique. It's like in a playlist order. Age: 6 or under. 3.5 out of 5 stars. I give this rating because it was realistic, if it wasn’t realistic sounding I would give it 2.5 out of 5 stars. Peace out!

Avi's Review

 Hi, I am here to give a review on Smart Kidz Radio, which is a radio website and I think it is a well made station with good content, but needs some tweaking. It is a single channel station that plays songs and tell classic stories such as Goldilocks and The Three Bears and others. It also features a weekly weather forecast and traffic maps, which is useful. What could be improved is that the radio only has one channel, and what I suggest is that the creators of this website should have a individual channel for every type or genre of music, such as a classic music type channel, jazz music channel, et cetera. I would suggest this for ages 4-8. I would rate it 3.8 stars out of 5 for the excellent graphics but lack of diversity of channels. This is the end of my analyzation for the product Smart Kidz Radio.

Social Media Links:
Facebook:   @smartkidzmediainc
Twitter:   @SmartKidzMedia

Smart Kidz Radio Homeschool Reviews

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