There are times that we all lose wonder in the every day and forget to stop to enjoy the small things in our lives. I thought this would be a great reminder.
The fact that this book is hard covered, simple cover graphics, and also who the author is, all helps with the overall look and feel to this book.
It has a little present page part at the front of the book-- you know where you can write in "To" "from" and a little note! I like that they do this in the book.
From the get go, I can tell I would like to be friends with Candace Payne, and I do think we would make good friends. She knows how to write and to speak. It shows in her actual writing and how she portrays herself.
Known as the "Chewbacca Mom", you can tell she takes simple joys as something she lives by everyday. This is super important and that video went viral for a reason, for sure.
I totally related to her story about airplanes just in the simple fact that I don't like flying but once I am in the air, I see the wonderment of being in the clouds and just enjoying the view, being in child like awe.
As if I couldn't fall more in love with her story telling, she leaves a space at the end of the chapter with a question and space for you to answer and think for yourself what you thought. I love this so much!
I really like that unlike some other viral video people, she is writing down moments in her life to share with you and in that finding that there are joyous moments in each of those moments in her life.
Anyone who is a fan of her, will really like this book. This is also a great quick read in the morning or evening, a coffee book, gift for a mum, etc.
I give this book a 5 out of 5.
Book Description
"Laughter that makes your stomach hurt, the perfect cup of coffee, a few moments alone with your Bible - these are moments of joy to be found on even the most difficult days. When you know you can trust God no matter what, lasting joy will be yours. Find your joy in Simple Joys: Discovering Wonder in the Everyday by Candace Payne.
Who hasn’t struggled with discontent, being overwhelmed, and the fight to be happy? You know that you have much to be grateful for, but sometimes the world feels so heavy and it’s hard to recognize the good stuff, let alone find and experience true, lasting joy.
Candace Payne, better known as “Chewbacca Mom,” reached more than 200 million people when her surprise outburst of joy at the simplest pleasure of a Star Wars mask went viral. Her story of struggling with loneliness, discontent, and unhappiness came out soon after, which made the world question: What makes her different?
“I could write a million words, books, and even songs to explain this,” Candace says, “but my gut feeling tells me you didn’t buy this book for a theology debate. You are reading these pages hoping to find joy - real, authentic, and unwavering in any and all circumstances. The kind of contentment that says, ‘I’m not only happy, but I’m satisfied as well. I have enough and I am enough.’ Because what I’ve discovered is this: contentment will often lead to more joy.”
Do you have that kind of joy?
Do you want it?
Find the secret to happiness, satisfaction, joy, and more in Simple Joys, a beautiful, full-color book that walks you through Candace’s journey so that you can replicate it in your own life. Read about several simple ways you can reclaim joy in your day-to-day routine and start living more joyfully today."