Saturday, April 20, 2019

End of Cookie Season 2018-2019

So I wanted to give you the final numbers for everything!

Girl Scout Troop 5823 Top Cookie Sellers!

1st: Junior Via Eisenberg with over 1,000 boxes.
2nd: Daisy Monica Sangillo with 400 boxes
3rd: Cadette Erika Pfeifer with over 300 boxes

A huge thank you to all the girls who helped us reach a goal of over 3,200 cookies sold!

Between our daises, brownies, juniors and cadettes, who all worked very hard, we achieved a great goal! Thank you.

Special shout outs go to: Astrid, Cora, Emma, Erika, Evin, Gabriella, Haya, Imogin, Janelle, Joy, Mae, Marina, Monica, Rosemari, & Via!

Adult Special Shout Outs go to: Lyzzy, Shelagh, Dorina, Sonja & to all the adults who helped to staff a booth!

Finishing things up!

Cookie Prizes


ALL girls:
* We bumped up some girls to make sure that every girl got a hundreds (100, 200, 300, 400, etc) bar patch to put on their uniform
* A cookie rally patch (if they came to the cookie rally meeting).
* A super troop patch
*  cookie booth patch (from the troop for booths
* cookie theme patch
* 1 girl got the personalised patch
* 1 girl got the VT2T patch
* 6 girls got the cookie tech (12 emails) patch

* Going to Spring Campout at Chincoteague
* Going on a back bay cruise
* T-shirt! I put T-shirts sizes as follows --- all daisies youth small, most of the brownies I put as youth medium, most all the Juniors as Youth large/Adult small and most of the cadettes I put as either Adult medium or large.
* Sunglasses for Daisies or Brownies/Juniors/Cadettes get Sticky Darts
* Snowflake chalkboard
* Mini Paddle with ball
* Goodie Bags with:
- soccer stress ball
- girl scout law "be the one"
- girl scout stickers
- lollipops
- temporary tattoos
- spiky ball
- sticky hand
- coin
- 2 erasers
- stamp
- animal book marker
-  paper book marker
- heart stretch

We are excited for the campout!!!!


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