Monday, May 20, 2019

Book Brush Review

I am excited to be able to review and use this-- because one of the biggest things as bloggers you have to be able to do is be able to create great images for your posts and for any kind of marketing or giveaway.

Book Brush makes it simple for authors to make advertising and social media images. No more struggling with converting a book from a 2d image to a 3d image. Book Brush can also be used by Bloggers to easily create images for their blog posts and giveaways! Here are some of the features you will love….

✔️ Book Brush can create ads with 3D cover images (30+ templates) in minutes
✔️ Book Brush will let you choose pre-made templates for Amazon ads, BookBub ads, Facebook ads, and more...
✔️ … which you can create with over 1 million royalty-free images and book stamps
✔️ It has a Video Creator to easily create Video Effects behind a Promotional Image

Things that I really like about this product is that they have introductory videos to be able to watch to grasp better how their products work before sending you to the page to create the imagery or video. The great thing about this is that you don't have to watch it, it doesn't automatically start but you can choose to watch and it comes on every single time. This is crucial because sometimes if they update things, you can know any new announcements, and also be reminded how to use their site.

You can also upload fonts-- this is super cool especially if you get creative enough to be able to use this feature! How cool is that? I haven't tried to make my own font, but my creative side is very intrigued to do that.

As an admin for a lot of facebook groups as well, I am very excited to try this out for the purposes of the groups as well.

I have used for the groups and they seem to be good in creating good images for those groups that I admin for that I have used it for.

They have a "tips" button as well when you go to create the image which is really cool.

I find that in some sense that it is more difficult to use and there aren't as many stamps but I think that I am trying to find out how to intuitively use it more effectively and that will come with time. For example, with the function of the stamp, there aren't many stamps to be able to use unless you upload.

When you go to download it makes you check a box saying that you have permission to use that image which is both a good thing because it is a good reminder to you that you need to only use images you have permission to do so with but also annoying because it's one more box to check because it should be common knowledge to only be using an image that you are allowed to.

It saves your images and makes them easily accessible should you need them in the future which I LOVE.

It does seem to be more used for advertising if you have a book which is great but also limiting for them. This limitation or niche can both serve them well and also limit them.

Website link ...

Their facebook group--

With time, I think this is going to be a great tool I will utilise often for a variety of things including the facebook groups, blog posts, giveaways and when I finish up the book to be able to advertise it.

“Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255:  “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”):  Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing the product/product information. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation.  I did/will receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.

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