Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Supercharged Science

Supercharged Science generously provided us with a full year of access to e-Science Homeschool Science Curriculum for all levels, K-12 to be able to review for you today!

They are really good about sending out emails not only update you when they have added new lessons, but they even are great about describing it and pumping you up to want to do it. Let's face it, sometimes when checking email, it can be daunting to go, "oh, here is another lesson to do" but it's not like that with this curriculum. You get excited from the way they write the emails and that is super important in terms of making sure that it gets run well. 

Something else I really like about this is that it also doesn't feel like school and is a way for you to bond with your child. It makes you remember why you loved experimenting and doing science in the first place. 

There is something also to be said for the fact that I want to try these experiments with my cub scouts, boy scouts and girl scouts. Because they are, again, made to be fun to learn them! 

Supercharged Science also emailed that they wanted to have the opinions of the users before they were even done using the curriculum to make sure that the experience of each user and student was satisfactory. This is a huge thing and great customer service! 

So what I like about this is that it is separated out by grade levels. For example, if you go to the second-grade page, which is the grade of my youngest son, you can see that they have it broken down by different kinds of science to learn. 



One thing I really love and appreciate is how well laid out the site is... So much so, I had to screenshot it! 


So you can see that all you have to do is click the experiment that you want to do and it will give you not just the video but the entire lesson so you can complete the entire lesson. I really love that they have a video too because now and days our children sometimes are learning more easier and rapidly on and from videos given the digital age we are in. But they still need time off computers, and frankly so do us, adults. So this is a great way to merge the two together in a fun way!

She even has a comment section on each of the lessons so families or teachers can provide feedback and communicate with each other within each lesson-- which is super cool. I appreciate this a lot.

What We Did:

While we did multiple lessons, we are going to focus on one of them that I loved the most because I am a HUGE lover of rocks and have my own collection. I even pulled out my rock collection for the kids to see (but not pictured here).

We worked on the 2nd-grade curriculum for this specific lesson and focused on geology-- because we love our rocks! In fact, if you are like me and my kids, you collect rocks wherever you go when they speak to you.

So we got out a rock kit for each child, a magnifying glass, a washcloth, a piece of porcelain tile, some books on rocks, the video from her about the lesson, a workbook on rocks and a pencil--- along with a want to have fun and learn!

#1 We read the book about different kinds of rocks and classifications (which makes the videos easier to watch and is a great supplement since my kids learn by both so it's a great reinforcement to include both).
#2 Then we played with the rocks, because who doesn't like to do that in between all the lessons. We even used that want to actually look at the rocks to see what the differences where. Including how Sandstone becomes Quartzite and looking at both of those stones. We took out the magnifying glass and check out all the rocks. Then I had them put all the rocks back and pull one of each kind-- metamorphic, sedimentary, and igneous.
#3 Then we watch the video from SuperCharged Science about geology and colour streaking.
#4 We got the magnifying glass out, as well as the washcloth and the porcelain tile. They wiped off the tile, let it dry and then they picked 5 rocks to streek to see which ones would leave marks which also tests their hardness.

Here are the rocks tested:
Most marks to the least marks:
Graphite, Talc, Pyrite, Basalt, Shale

Here are the reviews of my kids (based on the lesson above):

Hello, it’s me, Via. I’m here to review a website called Supercharged Science. To start off I would like to say, this is a nice website. It is very informative and relatively easy to follow. I like this website because of how hands on it are, and overall it is easy to go along and know what to do in the activities. There is not anything wrong with the website at all, but it needs to have a little something extra. It is lacking in a good environment. It’s not a bad environment, just to the best one. I would recommend this to 2nd - 6th graders and people who just want to learn.

It was fun. It teaches what rokes is which and teach the soft is and the hardest thing is. They teach how rocks are made. (LOL)

I would definitely recommend this to any and everyone. By far one of my favourite e-science curriculums thus far.

Social Media Links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superchargedsci/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aurora_lipper
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/superchargedsci/supercharged-science/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/auroram42/videos

Read the Crew Reviews Here: 
e-Science Homeschool Science Curriculum {Supercharged Science Reviews}

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