Sunday, October 11, 2015

~~~ International Day of the Girl 2015 ~~~ ~~Support Our Girl Scout Troop Online!~~

Today is International Day of the Girl! 
Find out 8 Ways You Can Take Action on International Girls Day!

What better day to support Girl Scouts than this day! 
Show them they can do anything! 

I normally don't do this kind of thing, but why not do a call to support all my girls? I would love to have my readers (everyone really) support my girl scout troop! I take great pride in all my girls (and my boy scouts too!). 

If you know me well, you know I pour a lot of time into my Girl Scout Troop and we have grown into a troop of ~40 girls from Kinder to Senior in High School within the Washington D.C./Southern Maryland/Northern Virginia area! We have many different social-economical families, races, religions, school types, and ages amongst our girls. 

With that many girls, you can image that it not only creates a lot of work but a lot of need. The need for the community to support the girls local to them and to show them that they truly can do anything! 

YOU can help show them they can do anything -- no matter who you are, no matter where you come from, or where you live right now, you can support girl scouts and the volunteer work I do, by supporting our girls in my troop (while getting fun goodies for yourself or getting your Christmas shopping out of the way). 

We so far this year, have done many events. Events such as going to the Nationals Baseball gameNational Book Festival, Opera in the Outfield, Fall Bridging Ceremony 2015, Simple Fall Craft with our Co Op scouts, going to Rock Creek Park, Hiking, Cleaning Up the Parks, Scouting for Food (last year we donated a ton of food, literally between our boy scouts and my girl scouts), Safety Workshop, Pumpkin Fun *which I will update with link once published*, Ice Skating, Operation Christmas Child, and so much more! 

You get something out of it too- magazines, kindle magazines, audio books, candies and nuts! There is something for everyone! Magazines I heard are actually a good deal. 

 There is something for everyone! 

You can help out by:
~ Renew Magazines or E Magazines
~ Order Magazines or E Magazines
~ Order Audio Books 
~ Order Nuts
~ Order Candies

How to Order Online: (until 12 Nov):
--> Magazines:
1) Go to her personal Online Magazine Store! -->

--> Nuts/Candy:
2) Go to her personal Online Nuts/Candies Store -->
3) Look for what you want
4) Order by credit card

There are 
100's of options and lots of savings-- magazines and goodies for everyone! If you have questions, would like to join, you can the troop gstroop5823 {at}

Thanks in advance for supporting my girls and their troop!


Also, enter a giveaway! 

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