Thursday, April 19, 2018

I Feel Pretty Movie Review

So, I was giving away over 100 tickets to see this in Washington DC and Tysons Corner VA over the last week or so. 

This was a movie that first I wasn't sure how I was going to like it but in the end, I actually liked it.  I believe that it will give a lot of people a little bit more relatable of a movie in terms of finding the self-confidence. The term "you are perfect the way you are" comes to mind though not sure I totally like the phrasing. But this is a good movie to boast that term! And not perfect in the sense that we are perfected human beings in body mind and soul but more that we are on an equal playing field in that we all have different insecurities whether or not the world team says we are beautiful human beings or not. 

When I walked out of that movie, I heard both men and women saying that they were impressed with the movie. And that alone says a huge statement because a lot of people would think of this movie as a chick flick and in a lot of ways they would be right. 

The truth is that men struggle with just as many insecurities as women do. And, I'm betting to say that it is correct but it's just in different ways. 


I went to the event for the movie (before it started). I took a friend of mine who, with no prompting, followed her heart and blessed my kids and me just because of a couple months back. I have been figuring out a way to say thank you to her and taking her to this, was definitely it.

She joked around that I made she sure she got the most of the event and I sure did! She got her makeup done and we got some wine and beer complimentary at the movie event. It was great to take a friend who saw me and bless me. 


It's great to know that this movie is relatable not just for women but for girls as well and hopefully we'll send a good message to girls if they're willing to be open to it. 

At the event, there was also little fans and little buttons and even the pop finger thingies for your cell phone and I grabbed some because I put on my girl scout hat, of course, like I always do, on top of my newly found press hat. I am going to give away these buttons and these fans to my Girl Scouts and the hope is that they will see just a little bit more of encouragement that they are beautiful just the way they are. Especially because my girls come from very very different backgrounds (religious, race, social, economic) and I absolutely love my  Girl Scout Troop that I have. And something that I hope to bestow upon them that I wish I had gotten bestowed upon me is knowing how valuable they are as women and knowing how powerful they are as girls who will become women and that they don't have anything sitting in their way if they don't let it. 

 I think that a lot more women will relate to this movie then they would like to admit because of social barriers and standards that we have on women. It just makes you sit back a little bit and think about what it is that you have to offer the world that has nothing to do with your beauty and everything to do with the confidence that you have within you. 

 So, will everybody like this movie? I don't think so but I do think that's going to touch many, and for some, it may even change their lives. 


Cast: Amy Schumer, Michelle Williams, Rory Scovel, Emily Ratajkowski, Aidy Bryant, Busy Phillips, Tom Hopper with Naomi Campbell and Lauren Hutton
Director/Writers: Written and Directed by Abby Kohn & Marc Silverstein
Producers: McG, Mary Viola, Nicolas Chartier, Amy Schumer Alissa Phillips, Dominic Rustam
Release: April 20, 2018
In I FEEL PRETTY an ordinary woman who struggles with feelings of insecurity and inadequacy on a daily basis wakes from a fall believing she is suddenly the most beautiful and capable woman on the planet. With this newfound confidence she is empowered to live her life fearlessly and flawlessly, but what will happen when she realizes her appearance never changed?

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