Monday, June 18, 2018


My son has been working on(and we are reviewing) mastering phonics with MaxPhonics one of the Reading Intervention Programs from MaxScholar.

I didn't know what to expect with this program but was pleasantly surprised with the quality.

It goes over constant combinations in phonics which usually isn't the first thing they do nor is it emphasized when taught as much as vowels are.

They have it so the kids get placed in the programme needed for their level. It isn't dumbed down nor is it overly complicated.

In fact, it's one of the best placements tests I have seen because it is done in a relaxed environment setting.

My first grader, in fact, sat down and actually just did this like it was a video game-- and it wasn't. So that tells you the ease of the program so a kid actually wants to sit down and learn. That is tremendously huge in a day and age where testing and a linear line of thinking in terms of education is failing to engage kids in a more comprehensive way encouraging their love of learning. So that is something I value deeply.

In terms of the actual educational component, it is a very strong program that helps them not just from a basics perspective but also from a holistic view. What this looks like and means is that it not just asking them to put the vowels in the right place, but also to name the rule in which applies. This is huge because kids can and do learn by memorisation which is good but they need to under the rule behind what they are learning so they can apply it in future situations in learning. I imagine also that in a world where second and third languages are becoming more prominent and required, understanding the rules will help them tremendously in learning in the future.

My daughter I had done this mainly for the reading component because she loves to read. She can read all day long. In fact, she is a kid that I have to pry books away from at bedtime because she would rather read than go to bed sometimes. I know, a good problem to have. Nevertheless, I know she loves her reading.

Via Review: 

Hello, it's me Via and I am with you for another review. Today I am reviewing MaxScholar. This program is very helpful for homeschoolers. It was easier for me because I used to be on a program where they set the bar very very high for expectations. So it was easier for me to get it all done. In the beginning, I will add how hard and easy at the same time. One of the subjects was really easy but the others were about my level and sometimes higher. when you take the test to know how much you know They don't have a timer that you can see or Bland and boring background you can't pay attention to. Balance between both fun enough to want to do it and Stern Enough to have you learn something.

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Reading Intervention Programs {MaxScholar Reviews}

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