Thursday, January 25, 2018

Attend: 40 Soul Stretches {Giveaway}

This is definitely a more "Godly" book. Even if you don't believe in God, there is some actual good stuff in here. I suppose that makes it all worth the reading. 
Attend: Forty Soul Stretches Toward God

So I'm not one for generally doing a lot of religious books but I do feel some of them have something that you can learn from them. 

I suppose at the idea of this book is for the lent period. For the 40 days. Because the idea is that you're taking 40 steps to get closer to your spiritual self and closer to God.

You can see hear my New Year's resolutions that one of my goals is to be able to find my spiritual community and to be able to find my spiritual self completely again. After being separated it took me a long time.... as in years.... to be able to overcome and heal from quite a bit of stuff. 

So, looks like this is good because even if I'm not a religious person, I am a spiritual person and I do believe that you can learn from anything. 

One of the first 40 steps is being able to open a window... because that's something that we often forget to do especially in the modern conveniences of heat and air conditioning. The idea is that we're taking even some of the simplest of steps to be able to grow as people again. 

 However, I do wish it was a little bit more spiritually open to appeal to a more broad audience. Also I kind of feel like on some of the ideas it rambles more on a personal level and reads more like she's trying to talk about her thoughts and try to connect with the reader at times but it does not seem like she's able to do that; at least not with me with the way it's written. 

I feel like this book will really speak out to some and even some of the chapters for me spoke out to me a little bit more than others both and how it was written and the message she was trying to convey. 

If you like a book that's not going to tell you a step-by-step but it's just going to give you an idea and give a little bit of background and a story to go with that then this is a really great book for you. For me, I like having a little bit of both. I like the background, history, stories but I just felt personally a little bit more step by step would be nice even though I don't always like 'step by steps' kinds of books it just felt like something was missing in that component based on what I thought the book was going to be. 

 I would give this book a two or three out of five personally. I think other people may give it a higher score so, therefore, I don't want my review to be able to influence you to want to win this or to use this book because I think it could be very helpful for some people. 

Book Description:

"A young Christian writer presents a practical guide for reconnecting with God and practicing the presence of God in our frantically busy world today. 

Our world is full of distractions that do not promote the health of individual souls. What can people do when they feel they have no time or ways to find God? In her new book ATTEND, Laura Davis Werezak reminds readers to encounter God through 40 brief everyday activities that they have been taking for granted, from opening a window to jotting down a dream. Modern life and technology increasingly render these activities obsolete, and readers who struggle to connect with God through "typical" devotions will discover depth in their everyday lives through each beautifully written exercise. Like the wisdom Brother Lawrence provided in his 17th century spiritual classic The Practice of the Presence of God, these daily reminders guide readers to appreciate God in our midst today."

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