Sunday, October 30, 2016

10 More Powerful Songs to Help With Your Separation (Round IV) {SOS Playlist}

Round Four!

I am going to start call in Separation Songs Sundays too. Just because... Actually, no I won't but it is catchy.

This week was really hard for me on the separation front.

10 More Powerful Songs to Help With Your Separation (Round IV) {SOS Playlist}, Via Bella, SOS, Shades of Separation, SOS series, VBSOS, Separation, Divorce, Music, Burn by Usher, Usher, Just Like Fire by Pink, Pink, F*cking Perfect by Pink, Picture to Burn by Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift, Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood, Carrie Underwood, Blow Me, Blow Me One Last Kiss by Pink, Gives You Hell by All American Rejects, All American Rejects, Stone Cold by Demi Lovato, Demi Lovato, Rise by Katy Perry, Katy Perry, Fighter by Christina Aguilera, Christina Aguilera, break up songs, hate, love, love and hate, moving on, music therapy

When we have our expectations shattered, when there are promises broken, when you don't want to be mad, but you are. These are all things that have happened this week.

Let's put it this way, I had to send my son off to boy scout camp where I am a leader without me and stay home with my two younger children. I love all three my children but to me this was not okay. It hurt... a lot. This was my (volunteer) job. When agreements and promises are made, you keep them. Sadly, not everyone feels this way.

To top it off, we found out that there was a passing of my children's Great Grandmother as well. We knew it was coming and she lived a good life. However, it doesn't make the hurt any less. Especially when you have to explain it to three young children.

It has been a hard week... Needless to say, you can either wallow in it or rise from it. So here is my music list this week for my separation series and it has proven to be helpful.

Fighter, by Christina, used to be somewhat of an anthem for me growing up, so I am proud to add that one here as well! Definitely one I have belted out this weekend.

Enjoy (and do me a favour and share if you like this series!)

1. Burn by Usher

"It's burning me to hold onto this.."
"I know this is something I gotta do, but it doesn't mean I want to"
"What I'm trying to say is, I love you, I just feel like this is coming to an end"
"It's better for me to let go now than hold on and hurt you"
"I think that you should just let it burn"
"Even though this might bruise you, you gotta let it burn"
"I'm twisted cuz one side is tellin me I need to move on: On the other side, I just want to break down and cry"

2. Just Like Fire by Pink

"I know that I am running out of time, I want it all"
"I'm walking on a wire, trying to go higher"
"Feels like I am surrounded by clowns and liars"
"Just like fire, burning out the way"
"Watch this madness colourful charade"
"No body can be like me anyway"
"Just like magic, I will be flying free"
"See I would rather we go a different way then to play the game"
"Y'all don't think I can run, but look, I've been here I've done it!"

3. F*cking Perfect by Pink

"Made a wrong turn, once or twice; Dug my way out blood and fire"
"Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood, Miss no way it's all good"
"Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f*cking perfect"
"You're so mean, when you talk about yourself. You were wrong"
"Change the voices in your head, make them like you instead"
"So complicated, look how we are making"
"Filled with so much hatred such a tired game"
"We try try try but we try too hard... It's a waste of my time"
"Strange ourselves and we do it all the time...Why do I do that?"

4. Picture to Burn by Taylor Swift

"State the obvious, I didn't get my perfect fantasy"
"I realise you love yourself more than you could ever love me"
"You're a redneck heartbreak whose really bad at lying"
"Watch me strike a match on all my wasted time"
"As far as I am concerned, you're just another picture to burn"
"If you're missing me you better keep it to yourself"
"If you come around here, it would be bad for your health"

5. Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood

"Right now, he's probably up behind her with a pool stick showing her how to shoot a combo"
"I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped up 4 wheel drive, carved my name into his leather seats... maybe next time he'll think before he cheats"
"Right now, she's probably saying 'I'm drunk' and he thinks he going to get lucky"
"I might've saved a little trouble for the next girl... maybe next time, he'll think before he cheats"
"The next time that he cheats, Oh, you know it won't be on me"

6. Blow Me (One Last Kiss) by Pink

"Sweaty palms from hanging on"
"Clench your jaw, I've got another headache tonight"
"Eyes on fire, eyes on fire, and they burn from all the tears"
"I've been crying over you. I've been dying over you"
"Tie a knot in the rope, trying to hold on"
"Trying to hold on but there is nothing to grab so I let go"
"I think I have finally had enough"
"I think I maybe think too much. I think might be it for us, Blow me one last kiss"
"You think I'm too serious, I think you're full of shit, my head is spinning, so blow me one last kiss"
"Just when it can't get worse, I've had a shit day, You've had a shit day"
"I think life is too short for this want back my ignorance and bliss"
"I think I have had enough of this, blow me one last kiss"
"I won't miss all the fighting that we always did"
"I mean what I say when I say there is nothing left"
"I will get drunk and bring someone home"
"I will breath I won't worry at all"
"All the lies, all the lies, will be crystal clear"
"Blow me one last kiss"

7. Gives You Hell by All American Rejects

"You're probably still working at the 9 to 5 pace, I wonder how bad that tastes"
"When you see my face I hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell"
"When you walk my way, hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell"
"Now where's your picket fence love, Where's the shiny car. Did it ever get you far?"
"You've never seemed so tense love, I've never seen you fall so hard"
"Do you know where you are?"
"Truth be told I am missing you, Truth be told I am lying"
"If you find a (wo)man that's worth a damn and treats you well, then (s)he's a fool!"
"Now you'll never see what you have done to me"
"You can take back your memories, they're no good to me"
"Here's all your lies, you can look me in the eyes with that sad look you wear so well"

8. Stone Cold by Demi Lovato

"Stone cold, stone cold"
"You see me standing by I'm dying on the floor"
"Maybe if I don't cry I won't feel anymore"
"God knows I try to feel happy for you."
"Know that I am, even if I, can't understand"
"I'll take the pain, give me the truth"
"Me and my heart, we'll make it through"
"If happy is her, I am happy for you"
"I was your amber but now she is your shade of gold"

9. Rise by Katy Perry

"I won't just survive, No, You will see my thrive"
"Can't write my story, I am beyond the archetype"
"I won't just conform, no matter how you shake my core"
"My roots they run deep"
"Oh ye of so little faith, don't doubt it, don't doubt it"
"Victory is in your vains, you know it"
"I will not negotiate, I'll fight it, I'll fight it"
"I will transform!"
"When the fire's at my feet again and the vultures start circling"
"The're whispering 'You're out of time' but still I rise"
"This is no mistake, no accident,"
When you think the final nail is in, think again!"
"I must stay conscious through the madness and chaos"

10. Fighter by Christina Aguilera

"After all you put me through, you think I would despise you, but the end I want thank you"
"You made me that much stronger"
"When  I thought I knew you, thought you were true..Guess I couldn't trust"
"You were always by my side, alaways down for the ride, but your joy ride just came down flames:
"Your greed sold me out of shame"
"After all the stealing and cheating you think I hold resentment for you-- uh uh, no you're wrong"
"I wouldn't know now how capable I am to pull through so I wanna say thank you"
"It makes me that much stronger. make me work a little bit harder"
"It makes me that much wiser"
"Makes my skin a little bit thicker"
"I heard your going round playing the victim now but don't even begin, feeling I'm the one to blame..cuz you dug your own grave"
"You tried to hide your lies, disguise yourself, living in denial"
"In the end you will see, you won't stop me"
"So thanks for making me a fighter!"

Can't wait? Come follow the play list!!! 

Also if you have anything to add to this list, share here because I will add it! We are a community!
And speaking of which...

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